
About Sara Williston

Born and raised in the Pacific Northwest I find it hard to be out of sight of Mount Rainier
for any length of time.

    Irish and Cherokee I am drawn to those who have the gift of story telling, a reverence
for what nature provides and a respect of all living things.

    I work with oils and pastels and I surround myself with found objects from nature that
inspire me to create with texture and dimension.

    Spending time in the the gardens and at the medicine wheel has a calming effect that
centers and guides the starting of a new project.

    I have a love of research for all cultures (I can't understand what I don't know).

    I collect objects hand crafted by artisans when the pace of life was slower and simpler.

Working from my studio I try to introduce spiritual nuances that speak from the past.

~ Sara ~

For more insight on spiritual topics   visit her personal site.

Humankind has not woven the web of life. We are but one thread within it. Whatever we do to the web, we do to ourselves.
All things are bound together. All things connect.
Chief Sealth, 1854

"The ancient ways have not ceased to work. . . . . . We have ceased to work the ancient ways".